Saturday, June 15, 2024

What Might've Been: A Laugh-In reunion on Get Christie Love! (1975)

 We had this next item before, then it was taken down. Then, our good friend Hal Horn at The Horn Section posted this copy.

What "this" is is a mini-reunion of cast members of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In joining Teresa Graves on Get Christie Love! in the episode, "Murder in High-C". Our guest stars:

Arte Johnson. 

Johnny Brown (by this time a regular on Good Times).

Judy Carne.

Henry Gibson, a few months away from "Nashville".

Jo Anne Worley.

Gary Owens appears briefly as a news reporter. Nothing new, as he'd been a TV anchorman on The Green Hornet a few years earlier.

Here we go:

Rating: B.


Hal said...

Thanks for the shoutout. This might be the most remembered episode, though there's another one with Jaclyn Smith a little later in the run that seems popular as well. I haven't gotten around to reviewing this one on the blog yet.

hobbyfan said...

Glad to be of service.