Saturday, June 5, 2021

Memo to a madman: Reality's calling

 As former president Donald Trump prepares to go back on the road for a series of rallies, fellow GOPers are hoping he doesn't bring up the false reality that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

Good luck making Citizen Pampers understand that.

The truth is, Trump lost the election because of his bumbling and mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic, not because it was stolen, as he and his brainwashed allies insist. Now, Georgia, Wisconsin, & Michigan are joining Arizona in calling for audits, which makes no sense since everything is certified, but the GOPers in those states are so afraid America's Oldest Baby will turn on them, as if he hadn't already done that a few times before. These audits are filed under exercises in futility, and, as Farron Cousins reported earlier today, at least in Wisconsin, they're asking retired police detectives to handle the audits, as opposed to a Florida firm with zero experience in audits.

I guess cheese does make you smart after all.

Yahoo! is reporting that a new conspiracy theory has popped up in New Hampshire involving----are you sitting down?----crickets. And this is before the current heat wave hit the northeast.

For the GOPers in these states, I recommend a timeshare with four rubber walls.

And, then, there is Facebook, which has set an expiration date on their banning Trump. January 2023, after the 2022 mid-term elections.

Yahoo! is also reporting that Trump is once again dropping hints about running again in 2024. It's going to be kind of hard to do that if the investigations in New York & Georgia into criminal activity involving Trump and his kids bear any significant fruit. I hear they're ordering a custom straitjacket for Trump if he has to be sent to Bellevue.

Meanwhile, while MyPillow frontman Mike Lindell is claiming that Trump could be reinstated to the White House in August (not happening), Trump, of course, bought into that delusion, but Lara Trump, Eric's wife, doesn't believe it's actually happening. Imagine that. A Trump that actually gets it for a change.

Of course, Whinedell is spewing BS knowing he's facing a lawsuit over the election lies, one that could bankrupt him and MyPillow. When you sleep with dogs, Mike, you're bound to catch fleas. Unfortunately for you, brother, Trump's fleas are actually parasites.

Now, if only the media would stop giving the attention-addicted Trump and his BS oxygen on a daily basis......!

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