Monday, February 21, 2022

Names making news

 Empty-G loves playing the stereotyped dumb blonde in public, because you'd think she'd know by now one simple truism in Congress, and I stressed this when Tabloid Carlson got the Dunce Cap on Sunday.

You don't mess with Alex From The Block!!

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Valedectorian of the Class of 2020 from Gracie Allen University (people of a certain age will get the joke), was in Texas over the weekend, and once again went after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, this time questioning the NY Congresswoman's intellect.

Jealous much, Empty-G?

AOC owns a degree in International Relations & Economics from Boston University, so I'm pretty sure she could carry on stimulating conversations with barflies hoping to emulate the cast of Cheers were she still a bartender. Unfortunately, any rebuttal she has for Empty-G will go right over the Georgia Peach Pit's head. Not that hard to do.
After Eminem's performance at the Super Bowl Halftime spectacular last week, Rudy Goofiani, who should not be heard nor seen, whined on his radio show about Eminem taking a knee in support of Colin Kaepernick.

Stephen Colbert had fun with that, dubbing over some lyrics from Eminem's 2002 hit, "Lose Yourself" (from "8 Mile"), and mixing in some Goofiani footage.

At least Eminem knows Stephen's got his back.
HBO's Last Week Tonight should have a sanitized syndicated version for those unwilling to subscribe to HBO. It's either that, or host John Oliver should get a media pass to do some press conferences.

Like other comics, Oliver stays on top of the issues that Fox Shmooze would rather gloss over or misrepresent, in the latter case their ongoing misinterpretation of critical race theory, which is a college level course not taught in high schools, but Fox Shmooze and the GOPers don't want you to know that. They want to control your children's educational narrative, if you will.

Uh, dummies, there's also such a thing as libraries that have reference materials you can't censor, so there. This week's episode is on YouTube presently, but due to the coarse language, we can't post it here. We'd likely lose it anyway once WarnerMedia decides to pull it.
It's not enough that Johnny Knoxville will be at Wrestlemania in Arlington on April 2-3 to satisfy Vince McMahon's obsessive need for mainstream attention.

Boxer and YouTube star Logan Paul has signed on to team with The Miz (Mike Mizanin) to take on Rey Mysterio and his son, Dominic (Oscar & Dominic Gutierrez) at the big dance. Miz was on the losing end last year with then-partner John Morrison vs. Damian Priest and Bad Bunny. Celebrity heels, on the other hand, don't win. Then again, celebrities are likely to go 0-2, if rumors are true that Knoxville is to challenge Sami Zayn, who regained the Intercontinental title on Smackdown on February 18 (show was taped a week earlier due to the Saudi trip). I don't think McMahon wants to put one of his major titles on Knoxville. Vince Russo, he's not.
Some years ago, Donald Trump purchased the Turnberry golf course in Scotland, occasional site of the British Open.

Now, Trump is negotiating with the organizers of a Saudi golf league to host events at his American courses, including Doral and Bedminster, and maybe at Turnberry, too. I guess he sees how well the Saudis have treated his pal McMahon, and wants some of that action. Australian Greg Norman is the commissioner of the nascent league. The PGA, however, is threatening lifetime bans to any player that jumps to the new league. Why worry? With Trump involved, the Saudi league will fold in about 5 years or less.

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