Thursday, October 17, 2024

Kamala Harris goes on Fox News. Donald Trump wimps out on interviews on CBS & CNBC

 Bob Raissman, long time sports media columnist for the New York Daily News, refers to interviews that tend to pander to the subject as "twinkie munches". This is why Donald Trump gives a lot of time to Fox No News' Spam Hannity and Laura Inkblot.

He was supposed to appear on a special Monday edition of 60 Minutes 10 days ago, on a show where VP Kamala Harris, his opponent, was also appearing in a separate, pre-taped, interview. Trump wimped out at the last minute, and had his press flunky, Steven Cheung, offer excuses. 60 Minutes co-anchor Scott Pelley, however, had receipts, stating that Cheung, on behalf of Trump, had originally agreed to the interview. Trump, of course, couldn't handle that very well......


Since then, Trump has cancelled a scheduled interview with CNBC's John Kernan, a conservative commentator.

Wednesday, Trump had a town hall on Fox No News, with Harris Faulkner pitching the usual twinkies in front of a crowd of Trump supporters, all women, and edited to try to avoid the obvious. Meanwhile, Harris was interviewed by Bret Baier, who clearly was under orders from his bosses to try to make Harris look bad. It didn't work. Harris pushed back at Baier. After the interview, Fox No News went into spin mode to try to soothe the damaged psyches of their audience. Pundits like Farron Cousins & Brian Tyler Cohen could see right through the spin, and declared that Baier was made to look like a chump.

With less than three weeks to the election, there are polls that skew in favor of Trump by design. There are polls that consistently favor Harris. The GOP will stop at nothing to try to throw the election in favor of Trump, so he can avoid the inevitable, facing either jail time, or, if his mental issues are as bad as many of us think they are, in a rest home, preferably with rubber padded walls. 

Know this. If Trump does lose on November 5, he'll try to whine and claim it was rigged---again-----because he can't accept losing gracefully. You know you're getting this:

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