Friday, December 13, 2024

Weasel of The Week: Nancy Mace

 Narcissism isn't a disease that spreads. Most of the time.

However, today's GOP is more than willing to follow the lead of the Oldest Narcissist, Donald Trump.

Take, for example, Nancy Mace.

You've probably heard by now that the veteran lawmaker fabricated an assault to get attention, as if she's trying to usurp Georgia's Marjorie Taylor Greene's role as the Queen of Narcissism. A mere handshake from a foster care activist leads to a wrist injury and the activist's arrest?

Farron Cousins breaks it down:

The exaggeration, claiming an injury that didn't happen, is part of Mace's campaign against transgender citizens. Sorry, Nancy, but this is going nowhere. The activist, James McIntyre, will likely have the charges against him dropped due to lack of evidence against him, and, in turn, as people have already started predicting, Mace is in line for a defamation suit.

Here's the reality for Mace. She lied, she's already being called out, and with the GOP's paper thin majority in the House, she's going to be shamed into apologizing. Around here, this means Mace has earned a set of Weasel ears for this self serving stunt.

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