Thursday, March 10, 2011

Weasels of the Week: Tareq & Michaele Salahi

Two years ago, they were introduced to the public as a pair of unwanted guests who crashed a party at the White House. They claimed they had the proper credentials, but few, if anyone other than television producers, bought their story. Apparently, no one told Tareq & Michaele Salahi that their 15 minutes of fame ran out when they left Bravo's Real Housewives of DC.

A week ago, it was reported that the Salahis would be appearing on another reality show, VH1's Celebrity Rehab, hosted by Dr. Drew Pinsky (Loveline). These two would share space with former Mets star Dwight Gooden and the likes of Michael Lohan, father of actress-singer-tabloid bait Lindsay. The operative word, it turns out, is would, because, folks, it ain't gonna happen.

Word has gotten out in today's papers that the Salahis have been bounced from Celebrity Rehab because, quite frankly, the show is meant to help its cast members kick their addictions to drugs and/or alcohol. The Salahis' only addiction, that we know of, is to publicity, by any means necessary. Dr. Pinsky was quoted as saying that both Salahis were checked out and are physically fine, with no record of substance abuse to be had. Predictably, Tareq Salahi has reportedly threatened legal action, but in this case, he has no case. He tried to scam his way onto another reality show to extend his & his wife's 15 minutes of infamy, and it backfired. Badly. Just because you got away with it once doesn't mean you can do it again and again. Addiction to publicity can be treated----away from the cameras.

I recall a line in an old Popeye cartoon that parodied the tale of Ali Baba & the 40 Thieves, so I'll paraphrase it here:

Salahi, Salahi, baloney.

Just because the Salahis live in the nation's political epicenter doesn't mean they're meant to be famous. They just got lucky one night, and they figured, this is easy living. No, it isn't. There's an old expression. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you, and the Salahis should be ashamed of themselves. Weasel ears certainly would look good on them, and that's what they're getting as a consolation prize for trying to shove their way into the public eye again when they're not really wanted anymore.


FameWhore said...

The Salahis have started their own entertainment business. Check out their website:

hobbyfan said...

Do they do bar mitzvahs and other parties, or do they teach courses in gate-crashing? Just asking.