Saturday, April 25, 2020

Reading between the lines of President Trump's threat to the Postal Service

During his daily briefing at the White House on Thursday, President Trump warned that the United States Postal Service would not get a $10 million dollar loan from the Treasury Department unless it agreed to jack up rates for online retail giant Amazon in particular, and probably other online retailers in general.

Those retailers could easily move their business to FedEx or United Parcel Service or any other service, but let's read between the lines here. Amazon is owned by Jeffrey Bezos, the richest man in the US, if not the world. Bezos' Washington Post is one of the media outlets that has been characterized by Trump as "fake news" because they've written some damaging articles on him since he began his run to the White House.

                                   "Waaaaaahhhh!!! Bezos is richer than I am! Waaaaaahhhh!"

Yes, Trump and Bezos have been business rivals, and it angers the thin-skinned Trump that Bezos has been more successful in the long term, seeing as how Trump has seen some of his business holdings go belly up, while Bezos rolls merrily along, scandals aside.

Trump has gone so far as to claim the USPS, as we know it today, is a joke. Oh, really? That raised the ire of a postal workers' union. He has demanded that the USPS hike their shipping rates for Amazon by four times the current standard.

But, just to show how much of a difference there is from one day to the next with the President, he vowed via Twitter on Friday that the USPS would not fail.

So which is it, Mr. President? An empty threat one day, followed by a minor mea culpa? Or has the pressure of the office gotten to the point where you don't know which end is up?

Understand that it has been reported that the USPS would "collapse" come September amidst the current pandemic. While we can't be entirely certain of that, what we do know is that Trump is making it even harder for himself to be re-elected in November. Either he or his sycophants have accused Democratic candidate Joe Biden of being senile, as Biden is a few years older than Trump. If that's so, the unstable genius in the White House keeps offering evidence that he, too, is showing signs that age may be in fact an issue with him.

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