Thursday, July 30, 2020

When people leave their brains at home......

A Nevada sheriff had to walk back some remarks after he stated that a local library shouldn't bother calling 911 after it had posted a message stating its support of the Black Lives Matter movement, stressing peaceful protests. Folks have to remember that the violence marring recent protests stems from outside instigators exploiting the sitch for their own gains.

The library staff can rest easy. The sheriff's office will answer 911 calls after all.
Just when you think President Trump couldn't possibly sink any lower in a desperate effort to win re-election, he made a quizzical suggestion that this year's general election, scheduled for November 3, be delayed. He offered no legitimate reasons why, but there's already been some blow back, citing the fact that Trump is trying to distract voters again from his bumbling lack of response to the coronavirus pandemic.

                             "WAAAHHH!! We need more time! WAAAHHHH!!!"

None of this would be happening if Trump owned his mistakes, but, nope, he'd rather look for scapegoats.

"Wag The Dog" much, Mr. President?
Monica Cole, professional con artist, still working the One Million Moms gimmick, is again targeting Hallmark Channel.

The cable cousin to Hallmark Cards released its 2020 Christmas movie schedule, and there are a few films that will have some LGBTQ characters, though none of them are leads.

That doesn't matter to Cole, who already has gotten nearly 40,000 marks to sign her latest boycott petition, which ain't going anywhere.

Get with the program, Monica. It's 2020. We live in an inclusive society. God tells us to love everyone. Do yourself a favor, and actually crack open the New Testament for once. You'll be glad you did.
Herman Cain made an unsuccessful bid for President in 2016. Today, we're learning of his passing as a result of----wait for it---coronavirus. Cain attended President Trump's rally in Tulsa last month, and bought into America's Oldest Baby's claim that masks weren't needed. The cost, apparently, was his life and health.

Unfortunately, that won't be enough to even scare Trump into finally doing something. Affluenza has its lasting effects on the idle rich.


magicdog said...

RE: Herman Cain

While I'm sorry to hear of his passing, it had NOTHING to do with his presence at the rally.

Local radio show host, Heidi Harris was a long time friend of Cain's and spoke about her thoughts on his passing. She said he wasn't looking well even during the rally. She said he was sickly looking (he had battled cancer in the past and as I understand it, it had recurred) and she could see jaundice in his eyes.

I have my doubts about the covid attributed deaths anyway - as there have been documented instances of fraud. FOX35 in Florida did a report in which a motorcycle accident victim was listed as having died of covid on his death certificate! The coroner was questioned on camera about it - he said he didn't know if it was changed. There have also been reports all over the country of people who signed up to take covid tests, didn't take the test (having left because the lines were too long, etc.) and then receiving a positive result in the mail! Again, Florida had proof of at least one area lab which never had a negative result! That is impossible - unless there was complicit manipulation of the results!

hobbyfan said...

They're saying Cain died from coronavirus, but based on your description, it seems he was immunocompromised from the cancer, and shouldn't have been in Tulsa in the first place.