Monday, June 14, 2021

The President is repairing the damage of his predecessor. Repugnants whine in response

 While President Biden is overseas, currently attending a NATO conference in Brussels, Repugnants here in the US are raising a stink, thinking he's ignoring the influx of migrants attempting to enter the country illegally at the southern border.

Texas Governor Greg "Let me shake you down" Abbott is vowing to build the border wall that Citizen Pampers never finished. Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan whined on Fox Shmooze over the weekend about how, supposedly, Democrats control everything (they don't), another layer of the elaborate con aimed at their "low information" voter base.

"Now, don't anyone call me Mr. McGee."

Well, "T'aint funny, Jordan" doesn't sound as funny.

For the record, Mr. Jordan, Democratic interests don't have a stake in "big sports" (i.e. NFL, NBA), big tech, big this or that. All you GOPers like to do is scare your brainwashed base instead of doing the right thing, which would be to tell them the truth and give them teaching tools.

You reap what you sow.

And, then, there's Kaylame (Kayleigh McEnany), now using her Fox Shmooze berth to try to create some revisionist history for herself, specifically, her nine month stint as press flack for Pecos Pampers (Donald Trump). She claims she's never lied, claiming her faith in God.

Sorry, that ain't gonna fly. It's all on video, Kaylame. You lied, and the whole world knows it. As it's written in the Bible, God is not mocked. When was the last time you were in confession?

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