Wednesday, October 25, 2023

GOP stupidity in the 518

 12 years ago, campaign operatives for Republican mayoral candidate Carmella Mantello mounted a last ditch attack campaign against her Democratic challenger, Rensselaer County legislator Lou Rosamilia of Hudson Valley Community College. Four days before the election, the attack ad aired on television, but the plan backfired, and Rosamilia was elected to his only term as mayor.

It seems that the local GOP hasn't learned its lesson.

Mantello, the current City Council president, is running again, this time against another 1st term county legislator and former pastor, Nina Nichols. This time, with 2 weeks before the election, Mantello's camp has decided on another smear campaign. Check this ad:

Unless they can prove their claims, Team Mantello will lose again. The accusation of Nichols, an ordained minister, remember, supporting Hamas, is a red flag right out of the national GOP playbook. I don't know who's in charge of Mantello's campaign, but, like, come on! Do better! Taking remarks out of context is typical political theatre, but in this era, it has no place in regional politics. Given the clouds of controversy surrounding the local GOP in recent months, this is the wrong path to take.

The recommendation from this desk is to find a few copies of the writings of George Santayana, and send them to Mantello and her staff.

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