Saturday, September 21, 2024

Again, a threat of a government shutdown

 Will the GOP never learn?

First, House Speaker Mike Johnson introduced legislation that included a resolution of redundancy that would actually reiterate a pre-existing law that prohibits non-citizens from voting. The legislation was shot down in the House.

Next, Donald Trump is demanding that the government be shut down, believing that the Biden administration would be blamed. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had said, no, the GOP would be blamed, and rightfully so. McConnell rightfully believes a government shutdown, which would take effect at the end of the month, would hurt them at the polls in November. Trump is not in a position to demand diddly squat, but he has to have dirt on Johnson and others, such that they still cater to the whims of a 78 year old toddler.

Farron Cousins breaks it down.

Get this straight, Republicans. Orange Narcissus has no power, no say in Washington at this time. Ignore him, and finally do what you were elected to do.

For what it's worth, the redundancy legislation gets Johnson a Dunce Cap.

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