Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Baby be unhinged (again): Donald Trump exposed on the debate stage

 Former president Donald Trump had a chance to blunt the momentum of Vice President Kamala Harris Tuesday night, live, on network television. He had an opportunity to actually, and acutely, address the issues. Instead, he was rumblin', bumblin', & stumblin' to the finish line with nothing but lies and fallacies, while Harris, a former prosecutor, served up a sobering dose of reality.

Brian Tyler Cohen offers some highlights & insight.

The fallacy of Haitian immigrants eating dogs and cats came from a Facebook post that itself is unsubstantiated, perhaps satirical in nature, we don't know. What we do know is that Trump fell for it, hook, line, & sinker, but couldn't get the national television audience to buy into it. As Brian said, as soon as Trump brought up this tall tale, he'd lost the game. Sticking to his usual game plan of juvenile insults and lies didn't work this time, and it didn't deserve to.

Some media sources say that Loopy Laura Loomer was seen arriving with Trump prior to the debate. It explains a lot when Loomer is at Trump's side, not his wife Melania, for such an important event.

After the debate, Trump himself went into the GOP spin room, and tried to say he won, when he clearly did not. Even one of his apologists, Lindsey Zing-a-Graham, admitted that Trump had lost.

We shan't be surprised if we get this from Trump today:

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