Thursday, September 26, 2024

The poster child for gaslighting loses his license in Washington, DC. Rudy Giuliani needs to just give it up

 America's Disgrace, Rudy Giuliani, was disbarred in Washington, DC, today, for the same reason he was disbarred in New York earlier this year. He just won't stop alleging non-existent election fraud.

Already on the hook for nearly $500 million owed to mother & daughter election workers Ruby Freeman & Shay Moss in Georgia, Giuliani keeps digging a deeper hole for himself every time he appears in front of a camera, continuing to claim without evidence that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. It wasn't, but an attorney for Giuliani maintains that the former attorney general and NYC mayor actually believed there was fraud. Only because longtime pal Trump said so, actually.

Talk about gaslighting. Meet the poster child.

Giuliani, like many of Trump's supporters and allies, went all in on the phony fraud claims, but what is it going to take to make an 80 year old man understand that he's been wrong all along?

His association with Trump has caused plenty of collateral damage for Giuliani in the last two years alone. To wit:

Son Andrew failed in his bid for governor of NY 2 years ago.

Rudy's WABC radio show was cancelled earlier this year for the same reason he was disbarred. He just won't give up on the "fraud".

Rudy, taking advice, and a paycheck, from Mike Lindell, tried to start a line of coffee. DOA.

To borrow from ESPN's Tony Kornheiser, Rudy, please pick up the white courtesy phone. Your career is over.

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