Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Paging Melania: Baby needs a pacifier!

The "baby", of course, is President Donald Trump.

After former First Lady Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National (Virtual) Convention, the reaction from the traveling President, on the stump in the midwest was predictable...

               "WAAAAHHH! She's over her head, not me! WAAAAAHHH!! Melania! Where's my milk?"

After Postmaster General Louis DeJoyless caved and said there'd be no more changes to the United States Postal Service (USPS) until after November 3, there came reports of pending lawsuits against guess who?

                                "WAAAAHHH! Where's my lawyer? I'm being sued!"

Yep. According to Farron Cousins at Ring of Fire, a number of politicians here in New York and other states are filing suits against Trump for sanctioning the dismantling of postal equipment, mailboxes included. While Cousins didn't identify any plaintiffs, one could probably guess who they are.

Now, Yahoo! is reporting that Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company has a zero-tolerance policy against political speech, although they freely support the LGBTQ community and minorities. Trump's response was to call for a boycott of Goodyear. Like, seriously?


        "WAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Goodyear hates me! Boycott them! Don't buy their tires! WAAAAHHHH!"

I don't think they actually hate you, Mr. President, to be frank, but the truth is, they don't want those red MAGA hats in their factories causing distractions and disturbances among their employees, and that's the key here, which you don't comprehend. If you could stop & think for five minutes, instead of making knee-jerk reactions like a kindergartener, which would embarrass your youngest son, Barron, to no end, you could actually improve your image. Then again.......


Silverstar said...

Someone should probably tell Dumb Donald that Goodyear's main HQ is in Akron, Ohio (a key swing state) and employs 64,000 American workers and has among its' clients NASCAR (an organization loved by folks in rural states) and even his own Presidential limo, which sports Goodyear tires. Evidently Trumpty Dum-Dum wants to cancel those Americans' jobs and to buy cheaper (imported) tires.

So Donny, you want some salt to go with that foot?

Silverstar said...

"Boycott Goodyear! They won't let you wear MAGA hats!"

Goodyear doesn't want its' employees wearing ANY political gear on the job, Dumbo. Workers aren't allowed to wear pro-Biden stuff on the clock either, but I guess Fat Q*Bert doesn't give a rat's butt about them. Once again, Dumb Donald seems to have forgotten that he's supposed to be President of ALL 50 STAETS, not just the red ones.

hobbyfan said...

His messages are aimed at his base of good ol' boy redneck racists, but when it airs across the country to everyone, he doesn't notice nor care. Sooner or later, these people will finally realize he's little more than Deputy Dawg in human form, and Deputy Dawg wasn't that smart, either.