Saturday, December 4, 2021

America's Oldest Baby is still threatening a lawsuit against the Pulitzer Board

 It's been nearly 2 months since we first reported that America's Oldest Baby, Donald John Fauntleroy Trump, threw a temper tantrum over the fact that the New York Times & Washington Post earned Pulitzer Prizes for investigative reporting in 2018 in the investigation of possible Russian interference in 2016.

As Farron Cousins tells us, Citizen Pampers is now threatening litigation.

Yes, Trump is a petty little man-baby, and it's his own fault. He's used so much spray tan over the years, it's seeped into his tiny brain, and he can't comprehend that he is not in a position to dictate diddly squat to the Pulitzer Board.


As Farron points out, the Pulitzer Board is a private organization, much like the social media platforms Trump has also threatened to sue, like Twitter and YouTube, for example.

Do us all a favor, Fauntleroy. Grow up, and STFU! Go away!

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