Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Weasel of The Week: Marjorie Taylor Greene

 Speaking at some conservative conference last weekend, hosted by conservative pundit Charlie Kirk, Georgia Misrepresentative Marjorie Taylor Greene, or, as we refer to her in this space, Empty-G, told the audience that there was a bill being passed here in New York where unvaccinated people could be forcibly detained.

As usual, Empty-G got it wrong. The bill, sponsored by Brooklyn Assemblyman N. Nick Perry, has been brought up for a vote 4 times, but has not been passed. It's in the political equivalent of turnaround in Hollywood. In other words, it's being held in committee.

Farron Cousins explains:

As usual, Empty-G refused to let the facts get in the way of her tall tale. In reality, she put the cart before the horse, so to speak, for the specific purpose of fear-mongering and frightening her audience. Not only that, but Perry's bill, I believe, deals with a different kind of health issue, such as mental health, not COVID.

You know what that means, pilgrims. Empty-G picks up another set of Weasel ears this week, plus a tail. She deserves it.

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