Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Congress' walking stereotype now thinks she knows science. Yeah, right

 I refer, of course, to Marjorie Taylor Greene, a wealthy misrepresentative from Georgia who puts on the act of being a real-life Dumb Dora to raise money from her supporters. However, her act has gotten stale in recent months.

On her podcast, Empty-G tried to claim that global warming is actually healthy. Yeah, right, and I'm a distant cousin of Euell Gibbons. Farron Cousins explains how Empty-G is wrong yet again.

As Farron is quick to remind, Empty-G's base is not smart enough to realize they're being conned all over again. The rest of us see her and we see someone who thinks that just because it worked for stars like Gracie Allen, Goldie Hawn, and Suzanne Somers, it'll work for her, too. It only works for a percentage of the country, though. If she was running for re-election anywhere else other than Georgia, Empty-G probably would've been spanked out of office already, just like her pal, Foghorn Cawthorn.

I'd sooner sit in on a science lesson from Thomas Dolby than this flashbulb.

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