Friday, April 28, 2023

Empty-G thinks she can define what makes a parent, and in her warped, tiny mind, step-parents don't count

 Georgia Misrepresentative Empty-G (Marjorie Taylor Greene) will say anything to get a headline, no matter how outrageous, because she's only in Congress to be famous. If that was a requirement, don't you think Paris Hilton could've been elected 25 years ago?

Empty-G brought the stupid at a recent hearing where she castigated Randi Weingarten, head of a powerful teachers union, for being a step-parent. 

Farron Cousins breaks it down.

Has it not occurred to Ms. Moldy Peaches that celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Madonna are also foster parents? I shan't be surprised at all if either one picks up on Greene's pathetic commentary, and rips her a few new ones. And we won't even contemplate Greene continuing her equally pointless feud with Alex From The Block (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)............

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