Tuesday, August 29, 2023

A fitting place to be a fool at a ballgame

 It was the 7th inning of Monday's game between Atlanta & Colorado at Coors Field. The homestanding Rockies are getting blown out by the NL East leaders. Despite this, some idiots decided to get on the field, clearly wasted, and wanted to take a picture with Braves star Ronald Acuna, Jr.. Of course, it didn't end well.

Photo courtesy CBS Sports.

In all, three morons got on the field. The first one wanted to take a selfie. When he got in trouble with security, his friends joined in. All three were bum-rushed out of Coors Field, likely to never return.

Now, stop and think for a minute. If you wanted to take a selfie with the presumptive NL MVP, instead of waiting until the 7th inning, when your braincells have been soaked by the sponsor's suds, why not arrange a meet before the game?

We see drunken fans disrupt baseball & football games all the time. There's no more fitting place for something like this than at Coors Field, where it's rather obvious what will result from ill-timed fan interaction with a visiting player.

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