Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Is the 3rd time the charm for a female vice president?

In 1984, New York's own Geraldine Ferraro ran alongside Walter Mondale against Ronald Reagan & George H. W. Bush. Reagan won in a landslide.

24 years later, the GOP selected Alaska governor and Tea Party darling Sarah Palin to be John McCain's partner vs. Barack Obama & Joe Biden. Obama, the first African-American on a Presidential ticket, made history.

Tuesday, Biden chose California Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate opposite Donald Trump and Mike Pence. Trump's response was predictable:


                              "WAAAAHHHH!! She's mean! WAAAAHHH!!"

Trump wasted little time going on the attack, as his propaganda machine put out an attack on Harris mere hours after the announcement, trying to blunt any momentum the Democrats might've gained. However, his approach is still just so playground, deriding Harris as being "phony". Look in the mirror when you say that, Mr. President.

The fact that Team Trump already had an ad at the ready suggests that, internally in Washington, it was assumed that Harris was going to be Biden's running mate, and probably had one for anyone that Biden had selected. That happens all the time in sports, that championship apparel is already available for the champions in baseball, football, etc., on either side.

But the question is this. Are the Democrats in a position to make history again? They tried with the wrong candidate, Hillary Clinton, four years ago, and all that baggage, coupled with Trump appealing to the disenfranchised suburban voters with his rhetoric, put us in the situation we're in now. Trump is already waving his red flags in front of his voter base. However, because systemic racism has become a topic this summer, much more so than in 2016, Trump might not be able to pull a rabbit out of his hat this time, and it's his own fault, between the coronavirus pandemic and civil rights protests that came in the wake of George Floyd's murder 2 1/2 months ago, Trump is in a deeper hole than he was against Clinton, perhaps too deep to make a comeback, no matter what he does.

And if that's the case, then the 3rd time is the charm, and Trump's response on November 4 will be like this:


Goldstar said...

At this point, I don't much care who wins, as long as Trump loses. We need to push Trumpy-Trump and the Funky bunch into the dumpster, and if a Biden/Harris ticket is the way to accomplish that task, so be it.

Silverstar said...

Same. My vote in November isn't so much for Biden/Harris as it's against Traitor Trash. I don't just want grown-up Montana Max to lose, I want him to lose BIG. I want his defeat to be soul-crushingly humiliating. I want to send the message to Archie Bunker and all of his suck-ups and wannabes that America is tired of all of this BS.

hobbyfan said...

I don't know about schools where you guys are, but they've already had to reclose in Georgia after what happened last week led to a surge in coronavirus cases. Schools in New York don't open until after Labor Day, save for a couple of colleges. Georgia, Florida, and Texas, among others, are governed by sycophants for President Pampers, whose IQ is getting lower with each passing day that he insists on his grade school piss matches.....

Silverstar said...

I haven't heard any horror stories in our state, Maryland...yet. Though it's worth noting that our governor, Larry Hogan, while a Republican, is averse to the Trump Kool-Aid.

hobbyfan said...

One of the few Republicans with his brains intact.

It's gotten out that, pre-Presidency, Trump was a campaign donor for Harris. So of course he turns on her when she joins up with Biden. Dumb Donald II tried to smear the Biden/Harris ticket, and bombed.

magicdog said...

It's no secret Trump donated to BOTH parties. People like Trump do that to hedge their bets and hope to gain some political influence for the future. I don't approve of it but I understand why they do it.

Keep in mind that Biden is suffering from senility and if he should win the election, I guarantee you he will become "incapacitated" within a few weeks after being sworn in and Harris will wind up as President by default. Considering her socialistic policies, you would NOT want to live in President Harris' America. Would her insane policies be worth it to stick it to Trump and Trump voters? Talk about outsmarting oneself!

I don't agree with everything Trump says or does, but he is the better option given the choice. At least he has kept the majority of his promises so far (despite interference from both parties in Congress). Personally, I'm sick and tired of having only two major parties to choose from. They're both corrupt and ultimately, do nothing for the rest of us.