Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Weasel of The Week: Paul Gosar

"How do I know you're not sick? You could be some deranged lunatic!!"----The Fresh Prince (Will Smith), "Parents Just Don't Understand", 1987-88.

If you're a Republican, you've imbibed too much of the Trump kool-aid, you may be beyond help.

One example is Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, who, over the weekend, decided to have someone doctor some footage from the popular anime, Attack on Titan, by photoshopping the faces of Gosar himself, President Biden, and NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, on different characters, positing Gosar as the hero, of course.

The idea here is being presented that Gosar is fantasizing about killing AOC & Biden. Gosar is too much of a coward to confront Alex From The Block on the House floor on issues, as most GOPers are, and while AOC & Biden have disagreed on some Democratic issues of late, they still come across as mature, responsible adults, unlike the GOPers, who are now characterized as too cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs to belong in office.

Farron Cousins explains:

Unfortunately, Farron is right about one thing. The GOPers won't punish Gosar because they know their low information base will eat this swill up like candy. But what if AOC's supporters decided to turn the tables? You'd hear the squawking from Fox Shmooze and other right wing outlets within an hour of posting, or less.

Of course, ye scribe's answer to Gosar the Goofy GOPer's grandstanding BS is to give him a set of Weasel ears. 

I can just picture it now. Someone will take an old Road Runner cartoon, and put AOC's pretty face on the speedy bird, and Gosar's on the Coyote, and...........!

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