Monday, August 15, 2022

Is Donald Trump that scared of jail? A Kentucky GOPer wants to repeal the law that could put him there

 It's been a week since the FBI paid a visit to Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. Donald Trump's been talking out of both sides of his mouth since then, changing his story with more frequency than a Hulk Hogan interview.

After Trump spent the weekend throwing verbal tantrums on Truth Social, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, personal eye doctor to Quincy Magoo and other near-sighted types everywhere, decided to be a moron and declared that he wants to repeal the Espionage Act, which is the law that Trump, per the Department of Justice, had broken after they found classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.

Now, Trump, of course, is claiming (falsely) that he declassified them, but I doubt very seriously he actually understands what that means, with all the talk of his being politically----and literally----illiterate. He took all those boxes with him in 2021 when he wasn't supposed to, and we have to assume he wanted them for leverage against any future political opponent.

Sorry, Dumb Donald, but you're that predictable.

While we're considering investigating Paul for harvesting crack in the Kentucky blue grass, let's let Farron Cousins break it all down.....

I wonder if Trump has claustrophobia, which would explain his fear of imprisonment...........

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