Monday, September 5, 2022

Proof that Ron DeStupid's policies don't work

 School has started in some states, such as Florida. It hasn't taken very long for controversy to rear its head in the classroom after a substitute teacher handed out a pop quiz to 6th graders in Bradenton the other day. One question in particular tries to obfuscate and confuse the students about the 2020 Presidential election.

Farron Cousins explains:

Florida Governor Ron DeStupid signed laws earlier this year mandating that teachers could not "indoctrinate" students with their political agendas. This was aimed at Democratic teachers, but, as Farron explains, the mandate has backfired spectacularly, as the in absentia teacher who wrote the lesson was in fact a Republican. The poor substitute will likely be sacrificed so DeStupid can make himself look good in front of his low info base. The school board in Bradenton wants to sweep this under the rug as quickly as possible, but the weak lip service doesn't inspire confidence that anything's really going to happen, and that's wrong.

As a lifelong New Yorker, politics never entered the classroom in my student days. Oh, sure, there was a class field trip to the State Capitol in Albany, but that was it.

The vagueness of how DeStupid's laws are written were bound to work against him, and they have. All the more reason to get this Trump knock-off knocked out of office and out of contention for 2024.

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