Thursday, May 30, 2024

The jury has spoken. Of course, the defendant is defiant

 Especially when that defendant is Donald John Narcissus Fauntleroy Trump.

This afternoon, a NY jury found Trump, who will be 78 next month, guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records to hide the fact that he made payments to an adult film actress he had an affair with, just months after wife Melania had given birth to Barron, with an eye toward protecting his eventual successful campaign for president in 2016.

Unsurprisingly, as Brian Tyler Cohen will show us, Trump remains defiant, and, because he can't help himself, addressed the media.

Sentencing is scheduled for July 11, six weeks from today, not five as Brian incorrectly asserted. An appeal is sure to be expected in the interim. During that time, expect a lot of this:

"WAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! I'm innocent! I'm innocent! WAAAAHHHHH!!"

So why did you pass on testifying in your own defense? Because your lawyers know you can't be trusted to avoid lying while under oath.

Trump will still be able to run for president, becoming the first candidate since Eugene V. Debs 104 years ago to run despite criminal charges. Debs was jailed on charges of sedition in 1920, as a member of the Socialist party, and the fact that he was in prison, unable to campaign, was a huge factor in costing him the election.

Can someone give Trump the number of a good psychologist? He may need one sooner rather than later.


JAB128 said...

Apparently, the Orange Fuhrer wasn't too popular when he showed up at a libertarian convention recently (this is from anarchist Larken Rose's channel):

Larken Rose: Trumpertarianism (Part 1)

Parts 2 and 3 in the description under the video.

hobbyfan said...

So I read about the cold reception he got at the Libertarian convention. What it says to me is that there's a lot more than just moderate GOP and Democrats who are tired of him. He'll appeal, but if a judge rules against an appeal with prejudice, it's ballgame over.

JAB128 said...

And, that would be fine with me. My fellow Christians need to stop worshipping this man. He is not a Christian in any way, shape, or form.