Wednesday, May 29, 2024

What Might've Been: Happy Hour (1999)

 USA Network wanted a piece of the late night action on nights other than Friday & Saturday. After Monday Night Raw expanded to 2 hours, the network sought to find a show that would pick up the wrestling fans and keep the ratings going into the night.

Unfortunately, Happy Hour lasted 13 weeks.

It was part variety show, part game show, with the latter presented as an all-star remake of the 70's flop, The Better Sex. Dweezil Zappa (Duckman, ex-Normal Life) teamed with brother Ahmet (ex-2 Hip 4 TV) as co-hosts.

This sampler opens with Ahmet covering the Ides of March's 1-hit wonder from 1970, "Vehicle", though one word is changed, contrary to the lyrics appearing on screen. Dweezil's guitar solo is just boss. Our panel includes Kathy Griffin, Adam West, and Diedrich Bader.

I don't recall if Ahmet actually did any recording with or independently of Dweezil and their sister, Moon Unit. Not too bad as a singer, though.

Rating: B-.


Chuck Miller said...

Two Batmans on the male panel there, Diedrich Baker did several appearances as the animated Caped Crusader in "The Brave and The Bold" cartoons. Also, nice to see the Zappa brothers working so well together. Too bad that didn't last. :D

hobbyfan said...

Two generations of Batmen is right on. Bader broke into cartoons with "The Zeta Project", and he & West both were part of Fox's short lived "Danger Theatre".