Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Weasels of The Week: Republicans playing hooky from Washington

 As Donald Trump is on trial for falsifying campaign records to cover a payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, a number of prominent GOPers, and Trump's dimwitted eldest sons, Dumb Donald II & Stupid-E, have shown up at trial proceedings in New York, and have spoken on behalf of the defendant, railing against the fact that ol' Orange Narcissus is being "persecuted", when he clearly is not.

So far, the GOPers who've made the trip have included:

Senators Rick Scott (Florida), Tommy Tuberville (Alabama), & JD Vance (Ohio).

House Speaker Mike Johnson (Louisiana).

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgam.

Burgam aside, these lawmakers are playing hooky from their responsibilities to their constituents in order to support the former president, and, on his behalf, trashing Judge Juan Merchan and his daughter, as well as DA Alvin Bragg, and Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, who was on the witness stand the last two days.

So where do the real-life Beavis & Butt-Head (Don, Jr. & Eric) fit into the picture?

Stupid-E, for one, violated court protocols by whipping out his cell phone on Monday to trash Cohen, and Dumb Donald II went whining to Fox No News. In effect, circumventing the gag order Merchan issued against their father.

As Farron Cousins explains, that could put the Archduke of Affluenza even further in trouble.

What this all tells us is that Trump is SO scared of going to jail, and, perhaps, losing the GOP nomination, that he'll employ any means at all to try to discredit Cohen and others. Good luck with that.

Scott, Tuberville, Burgam, Vance, and the Trump brothers all get Weasel ears for not knowing any better.

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