Saturday, October 7, 2023

The teacher didn't do the homework: Winnie The Pooh: Blood & Honey plays in an elementary school

 Many thanks to correspondent Steven Dolce for the tip.

A Miami charter school teacher, perhaps not knowing the content of the film, screened "Winnie The Pooh: Blood & Honey" for a group of 4th graders the other day. Predictably, the kids, accustomed to the cuddly Winnie from many books and animated adaptations from Disney back in the day, were traumatized by the R-rated film. 

Parents were rightfully upset, as this report from a CBS affiliate in Miami shows:

Disney, coincidentally, lost their license to Winnie, leading to "Blood & Honey", which, unfortunately, had spawned a sequel. For all the hand-wringing and false outrage over LGBTQ+ content & community from conservatives, this is a legitimate mistake by a teacher who didn't do his/her homework (teacher was not ID'd). Epic fail!


Steven Dolce said...

Just because it’s a Winnie The Pooh movie doesn’t mean it’s a kids movie.

hobbyfan said...
