Sunday, May 26, 2024

Proof that certain politicians can't take what they dish out

 It's been over a week since Empty-G (Marjorie Taylor Greene) had it out with Jasmine Crockett on the House floor, and accused Crockett of wearing false eyelashes (like, there's nothing wrong with that), only for Crockett, aided by Alex From The Block (Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez), to serve up a receipt, putting the Cross-Fit workout maven on blast.

Farron Cousins fills us in on the continuing fallout.

Like other GOPers, Greene can dish it out, but when it heads back her way, she whines & cries, like the bully she presents herself to be. It won't teach her or other Republicans to put an end to the performance art we've had to endure, but if she actually bothered to do her job for the people that elected her, she could move past the performance art and the perception of being a walking stereotype. But, she won't.

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