Tuesday, July 9, 2024

More proof that Empty-G needs to back to school

 "Dumb Dora is really dumb!"--Gene Rayburn, many times, on Match Game, 1973-84.

Struck by a need to post anything at all on X on Friday, Georgia misrepresentative Marjorie Taylor Greene opened herself up to more humiliation by claiming that six men, including three future presidents, had signed the Declaration of Independence when they clearly had not. Those six men included future presidents George Washington, James Madison, & James Monroe, plus Paul Revere & Aaron Burr.

I'd venture to guess that Empty-G's staff was on vacation, so she had to try to gather the information herself. Epic fail!

Farron Cousins breaks it down.....

Other users on X had a field day roasting Empty-G. Of course, at the end of the day, this was just a case of Empty-G needing attention when it wasn't necessary. 

Can someone enroll her in a remedial summer school course, like, yesterday?

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