Thursday, February 6, 2025

Sure signs that the president is mentally ill

 2 1/2 weeks into his 2nd (and final) term, Donald Trump is showing signs that he is not 100% healthy from a mental point of view.

Just weeks after he nominated a long time family friend, former WWE CEO Linda McMahon, to head up the Department of Education, Trump now wants to dismantle that same department----before McMahon even faces confirmation hearings!

Why would this deranged 70-something man-child do that? Bad advice.

Trump has also said he wants to take over the Gaza strip in the Middle East.


We're talking major overreach here, as this isn't his call to make. 

"We can run Gaza better than the Palestinians & Israelis combined!!"

Y'sure about that, Fraud Fauntleroy?

Even after his hand-picked drone at the FCC, Brendan Miller, strong-armed CBS into turning over footage from an October 60 Minutes interview with then-VP Kamala Harris, Trump wants the series and the network taken off the air, all because he thinks they've been mean to him.

Here's a news flash, jackass. You were offered the same opportunity to appear, and you wimped out.  Three months after being re-elected, you're still holding a grudge. Get over yourself.


Even money says you never took a journalism class in school, fella. You've bullied the media into bowing before you, out of fear of reprisal. To paraphrase Dalton (Patrick Swayze) in the 1989 "Road House", you're too stupid to realize you're wrong.

It's getting to the point where incoming lawmakers in Congress may need to pass a variation on the civil service test just to prove they're qualified. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Empty-G, Lauren Balloon, and Fibber Jordan especially. We may have to have Trump take one too, on national television.....


Ann Bennett said...

Jared Kushner proposed over a year ago about ideas for GAZA. I suspect this is why Netanyahu was so destructive in GAZA. I'm just glad American Jews don't like Netanyahu.

hobbyfan said...

While I had not previously heard of anything regarding Kushner and Gaza, it falls under the heading of bad advice. Jared should be off selling jewelry, IMO.

Roger Owen Green said...

He just got rid of the national achivist. I have to think it's bc of the feds going into Mar-his-ego, even though she wasn't in charge at Archives at the time.

hobbyfan said...

I read about it, Rog. As usual, Mango Munchausen can't be bothered with rules or protocol. He has to run any personnel changes by Congress, and while they'd indulge him, skipping the middleman in this case is wrong.