Monday, December 17, 2018

Countdown to Christmas: Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood Christmas skit (Saturday Night Live, 1984)

It is said that Fred Rogers actually admired and appreciated Saturday Night Live's clever parody of his PBS series, to the point where, in making a promotional visit to NBC, he sought out Eddie Murphy to thank him.

Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood was a series of sketches starring Murphy in the title role. He was everything Rogers wasn't. Lived in a poor neighborhood, behind on his rent, etc., and proud of it.

From 1984, Robinson dresses as Santa, but maybe, just maybe, he should've been the Grinch.....

When Murphy left the series, the Neighborhood was closed.

Rating: B.


magicdog said...

Back in the good ol' days when people weren't afraid to take chances and be funny. This skit still has me roaring!

SNL is no longer a funny show - IMO, it hasn't been funny- or relevant in at least 20 years.

I've also been rewatching Best of Carson on Antenna TV and darn it if the comics (and Johnny's sketches) weren't hilarious!! Just shows how the PC culture has destroyed all humor.

hobbyfan said...

In today's culture, you have to adapt in order to stay relevant. Unfortunately, the way Trump is presented, he is this close to be a one-man thought police......