Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Here there be Weasels

Being rich doesn't mean you can get away with anything. You only think you can.

Jeffrey Epstein should've been paying closer attention to the trial of Keith Rainere, who was convicted on sex trafficking charges a few weeks back. Now, Epstein is facing the same charges, 11 years after avoiding jail on similar charges in Florida.

Epstein's lawyers are trying to get him out of jail on bail, but prosecutors believe Epstein is a flight risk, since he has homes across the globe. No amount of bail money will allow him to go scot free. In the #MeToo era, if you've had a reputation as a pervert kept private, it'll go public. The only thing the money is good for now is to be donated to various charities dedicated to ending the exploitation and shaming of women of all ages.

If Epstein is that defiant, thinking he's above the law, maybe he should Google Rainere, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, before going to trial.....

Enjoy the Weasel ears, pal.
President Donald Trump built his campaign in 2015-16 on the persona he generated for NBC's The Apprentice. His faux tough guy act won over enough gullible voters, disenfranchised, disenchanted, disgruntled, disgusted with the status quo, such that any criticism is met with indifference from his voter base.

For a man who claims to be a born again Christian, he doesn't turn the other cheek to criticism, instead meeting it head on with all the arrogance of a schoolyard bully.

When you get right down to it, that's basically how Trump is dealing with four freshman Congresswomen, including New York's own Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The Ugly American President issued a series of Twantrums over the weekend, suggesting that the quartet would "go back to where they came from". The House of Representatives is considering a vote today to condemn Trump's latest bout with social immaturity.

Trump's problem is that in his warped mind, Ocasio-Cortez and the other members of her "Squad" don't fit his profile of Congress. He's making more enemies than friends in Washington, but he just doesn't care. The Republicans are mostly rolling over for him, afraid that the most thin skinned Chief Executive in history will turn on them if they do what they should be doing, making him see the truth.

House speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn't want to entertain the idea of impeachment, which, in truth, would be counter-productive, as it would only add fuel to the fire for Trump and his brainwashed minions. No, the only solution is to condemn him publicly for attempting to race-shame Ocasio-Cortez and others in a bid to retain the votes from the disenfranchised that got him into the White House in the first place.

No, the shame is on Trump for continuing to make a mockery of the highest office in our country for his own amusement, spite, & profit. If I were VP Mike Pence, I'd drag Trump's bloviator butt to the nearest church. Not on Sunday, but ASAP.

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