Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Two carpetbaggers were foiled in running for Senate last year, but there is one already in office

 You will recall that last year, former football hero Herschel Walker ran for Senate in Georgia while maintaining a residence in Texas that he had supposedly relocated from to return to the Peach State, where he made his name in college.

Dr. Mehmet Oz ran for Senate in Pennsylvania, but was based in New Jersey.

The common link? Both lost. Walker came across as totally clueless. Oz, at least, conceded defeat with dignity. Both were, shall we say, persuaded by a certain bloviator to run.

One wonders if that same bloviator also had a hand in former college football coach Tommy Tuberville running and winning a Senate seat in Alabama. You see, the problem that has now surfaced with Tuberville is that he, too, has become a carpetbagger. Living in Florida with his wife while claiming a residence in Auburn, Alabama that his namesake son owns (different middle initials). Tuberville traded on his coaching record at Auburn. As Farron Cousins explains, Tuberville found a loophole that allows him to remain in office.

You'll recall, also, that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had been elected as a Senator from NY after she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, had established NY residency. The rules are different here than in Alabama. But, how much do you want to bet that there'll be a push to close the loophole Tuberville exploited, and turn him into a one term wonder?

At this rate, maybe the next GOP convention should be held in an appropriate setting, like Leavenworth.

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