Thursday, April 18, 2024

Weasels of The Week: Oklahoma State Athletic Commission

 Thanks to fellow blogger Chuck Miller for the tip.

All Elite Wrestling held its first event in Oklahoma back in January. During the taping for Ring of Honor's weekly program on Honor Club, former AEW women's champion Nyla Rose won a squash match. Nothing wrong with that, right?

Not as far as the Oklahoma State Athletic Commission's concerned, unfortunately.

The OSAC has specific guidelines for boxing, MMA, kickboxing, and, of course, pro wrestling. In the case of the latter, it says nothing about transgender athletes vs. "cisgender" ones. Rose, of course, is a transgender wrestler, and the first trans wrestler to become a world champion. She's also an actress (as Chuck revealed) and dabbled in writing comics not too long ago.

So the OSAC sent a letter to AEW's Tony Khan warning him about using Rose the next time AEW/ROH hits Sooner Country, which, in their small minded point of view, will lead to fines against the promotion.

I call BS. The OSAC is all about pushing their political agenda, discriminating against trans athletes such as Rose. AEW also has openly gay wrestlers such as Anthony Bowens of the Acclaimed, and current women's champ Toni Storm, while married to currently injured Juice Robinson, is bi-sexual.

To politicians up & down the Bible Belt, a transgender man or woman is an abomination. AEW, like most of the country, is inclusive in every way imaginable, and will sign anyone regardless of preferences.

That having been said, the OSAC gets a box of Weasel ears for their bigotry and attempting to bully Khan and his troupe. I would recommend that the OSAC gets a total overhaul before AEW/ROH or even WWE returns to Oklahoma.

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