Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What Might've Been: Letters to Laugh-In (1969)

The runaway success of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In prompted NBC to commission a daytime spin-off series. Sad to say, Letters to Laugh-In lasted just 3 months on the air.

Letters featured some of the familiar regulars from the primetime show, including Jo Ann Worley, co-host Dan Rowan, and, serving as both MC & announcer, Gary Owens.

Edit, 10/12/17: The episode previously posted was deleted. We have just a portion of that episode's intro left:

Silly, yes, but perhaps a little too over the top for daytime audiences. I never saw the show, so there's no rating.

Edit, 5/6/24: The full episode, with guests Angie Dickinson & Jack E. Leonard, is back:


magicdog said...

can understand trying to capitalize on the main show by including amateur jokesters' material and having it read by some of the cast. How many people pointed excitedly to the TV screen when their name appeared?

I think this show might have been better served had it aired as a final segment on Laugh-In.

hobbyfan said...

Considering I didn't watch much of Laugh-In itself to know, I'd think maybe they did, then spun it off into the game show.