Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The disgrace of Michael Flynn continues

 Retired General Michael Flynn, a former national (in)security adviser under Donald Trump until his fall from grace for lying to Congress, only to be pardoned by Trump, was at a evangelical conference in San Antonio over the weekend. Demonstrating once again that he gave up his brains to blindly follow a false prophet in Trump, Flynn is claiming we only need one religion in the US.

Bollocks & balderdash!!

While it is the Christian mission to bring the Word of God to people of other faiths, such as Buddhism & Islam, force-feeding it down everyone's throats paints the Christian faith in an even worse light than it already is in. As Jesse Dollemore explains, Flynn's bizarre rants suggest a willful violation of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, which Flynn swore an oath to years ago.

The fact that other swill salesmen, such as Looney Lin Woodchips and Prince Pillow (Mike Lindell), are at this conference itself speaks volumes of how brainwashed a section of the evangelical Christian base has become over the last few years. Flynn's warped message actually is putting Christian missionaries in the field in danger, and the geek doesn't realize this at all. 

We won't even dignify ourselves to discuss the latest tantrum from America's Oldest Baby regarding his decision not to attend the inauguration of President Biden in January, and where Senator Pruneface (Mitch McConnell) fits in. All we'll say here is that Bellevue is waiting to welcome the man-child with open arms.

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