Saturday, November 20, 2021

You whine & cry your way into acquittal, and what's your reward? Interning for a pervert?

 Let's just put the cards on the table in relation to the Kyle Rittenhouse case, which ended Friday with Rittenhouse being acquitted of all charges in relation to his shooting three people in Kenosha, Wisconsin, 15 months ago.

Rittenhouse's crying jag on the witness stand was an acting performance worthy of an award. A Golden Raspberry, sure, but it's an award. Pathetic, but it served a purpose. Rittenhouse got the sympathy from the jury to avoid going to prison.

But, this is what's lost in the narrative.

As a 17 year old, Rittenhouse, now 18, crossed state lines, carrying a weapon he wasn't supposed to have. He wounded one, and killed two, all white, like himself. The judge assigned to the case, Bruce Schroeder, was already demonstrating bias in favor of Rittenhouse by dressing down the prosecution before either side rested their case. The fix was clearly in.

I don't think the kid ever took an acting class in high school. Looking at pictures of him crying, he looks like a total dork. The bottom line is, he had no business being in Kenosha in the first place. He was looking for trouble. Personally, I think Schroeder was pissed because he was forced to cancel piano lessons for some local kids for a few days.

Anyway, it now comes out that DoorMatt Gaetz wants to reward Rittenhouse by offering him an intern's job. We don't even know if Crybaby Kyle even finished high school!

As Farron Cousins discusses this, he offers the idea that Gaetz is looking for a wingman to hook him up with some more co-eds or younger........

If I'm Rittenhouse, I'm turning this baby-faced pervert down flatter than a stack of hotcakes, and looking for a college education. Besides, there's no guarantee Gaetz will still be in Congress by this time next year, considering the legal troubles he's facing.

For Kyle Rittenhouse, image rehabilitation starts right now.

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