Saturday, October 15, 2022

Dunce Cap Award: Spam Hannity

 First things first, we're going to have Farron Cousins set the picture.

Spam Hannity thought he had a sword of Damocles over Joe Biden. Nope. All that voice mail was, as Farron reminds, is a father reminding his wayward son that he loves him no matter what. Hannity tried to tie this into pending charges against Hunter Biden, but there's not a link that actually justifies this. It was just red meat for the Fox Shmooze base, a pathetic attempt at making Joe Biden look bad.

One can only imagine what kind of parent Spam himself is. As it is, he gets this:

Tabloid Carlson must've left some stupid pills for Spam one night, and he took them before going on the air, mistaking them for vitamins.

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