Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Truth is a stranger to a serial liar

 That "serial liar", of course, being one Donald John Pinocchio Narcissus Trump. He sat for a deposition in the E. Jean Carroll defamation case in October, and recently, parts of the deposition were unsealed, revealing, that, of course, Trump lied his head off.

The simple fact is, Trump can't stop with the lies, regardless of the case, because telling the truth would make him weak before his base of brainwashed, low-information yokels. Farron Cousins explains.

Since the Washington Liars' Club has a new president in George Santos, Dumb Donald is the chairman of the National Association of Liars. It's just too bad the Liars' Club & To Tell The Truth are off the air. Trump would've fit right in.

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