Tuesday, December 26, 2023

A fake Christian claims the President, a Catholic, isn't "religious enough". Pass the Pepto! Diaper Don lies again!

 Call it deflection, call it projection, call it whatever you wish. Donald Trump, who had his books ghostwritten for him, and clumsily held up a Bible for a lame photo op 3 1/2 years ago, had the utter gall to accuse President Biden, a devout, practicing Catholic, of not being "religious enough". I would venture to say that Biden actually attends Mass every chance he gets. Walking into a church, period, is anathema to Trump, who continues to pander to not only the evangelicals, but also his low-information, easily gullible base.

Farron Cousins discusses the latest of Trump's many, many sins.

Where I attend church, here in the 518, we have a small congregation of about 20-25 people. Most of them, along with the pastor, were on the Trump train. Can't say for sure now. How can anyone continue to support a man who doesn't follow any of the 10 Commandments, is a habitual liar, a grifter, and a lifetime Weasel, but can't quote any scriptures from memory because he can't be bothered to read anything.

To make matters worse, as Farron noted, Trump is still conning his marks into thinking he made it legal to say "Merry Christmas". No, he didn't. The faux "War on Christmas", ginned up by Fox No News for so many years, is as fake as Trump's belief in God. Trust me, God will have the last word on Trump......

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