Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Dunce Cap Award: Rudy Giuliani

 You're a former US Attorney out of NYC. You were "America's Mayor" 22 years ago. Today, you are a disgrace to the legal profession because you hitched your wagon to a hopeless cause, supporting a fellow geriatric whose mental state is worse than yours, and he's younger than you.

Your name is Rudolph Giuliani, and it's about to be mud.

Facing a defamation suit in Atlanta for falsely accusing two election workers of trying to sabotage the 2020 presidential election, Goofiani did what his fellow head case, Pecos Pampers, often does, and gets the attention of the media----and doubles down on the lies, like a total idiot.

Brian Tyler Cohen explains:

With all of his legal experience, you'd think Goofiani would know better, as Brian suggests, but advancing age will do things like this. His own attorney said he can't control what Goofiani says outside the courtroom. Yes, you can, fella. The only other alternative I can think of is, well, Bellevue.

You know what Goofiani gets for this:

I think a meeting with Dr. Zigmund Ziff is in order.........

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