Thursday, December 7, 2023

Diaper Don whines and lies again because he's in a losing battle, and he can't stand it

 I'm going to let Farron Cousins start this off.

Long story short, Donald Trump's gaggle of legal beagles fumbled right at the start, and he's still trying to cover for their incompetence, trying to swing things in his favor, but it isn't working. Trump has gaslit himself and his base into believing he's the victim----he certainly isn't-----but his act is so stale, a month old muffin looks better by comparison.

You know what's going to happen when Diaper Don walks into court on Monday. More whining, crying, & lying to close the defense's case, and, then, ballgame over. The remaining dominoes will fall soon after in Georgia & Washington, DC.

For all of Trump's threats to use the presidency to effect revenge on his "enemies" if he is re-elected next year, it ain't going to happen. You have Counterfeit Kash Patel going on Steve Bannon's podcast to promote those threats, instead of going to mainstream media. Bannon himself should be in jail now, but he, too, has a phobia of imprisonment.

I say, if you're guilty, as Bannon was of contempt of Congress, for example, there is no avenue for appeal, and you should serve your sentence ASAP. No questions asked. Trump should be escorted to prison, or, in his case, given his advanced age and deteriorating mental state, a psychiatric hospital, in a custom straitjacket and muzzle.

Keep whining, Diaper Don. Let the whole world see you are not fit to be president ever again. Let your supporters see the truth about you, discovering what we already know, that you're not the tough guy you made them believe you are, but rather, a weak, insecure man-child with self-esteem issues. 

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