Saturday, August 24, 2024

Dunce Cap Award: Donald Trump

 "How do I know you're not sick? You could be some deranged lunatic!"--Will "The Fresh Prince" Smith, 1987.

I'll let Farron Cousins paint the word picture before I have my say:

Here's the thing. Trump thinks the rioters were "patriots", and, as such, this to him justifies the awards ceremony taking place September 5 at Mar-a-Lame-O. As Farron notes, Trump is in violation of the terms of his release on bail by having other felons congregating with him. Oh, of course, he'll deny that he actually knows these people personally, which is probably true to an extent, and, on top of that, he has shown absolutely zero understanding of how the legal system actually works, which explains his constant childish temper tantrums on Truthless Social, railing against the courts when he himself was on trial, all because he was conditioned to believe that he was above the law. The reality is, he never was, and the more he's reminded of this, the more he rages like a kindergartener.

Thus, Trump gets another Dunce Cap to add to his collection. Wear it well, Donnie. You deserve it.

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