Saturday, August 31, 2024

Musical Interlude: Talk of The Town (1980)

 "Talk of The Town" was first released on the Pretenders' "Extended Play" EP in 1980, then edited for a re-issue on 1981's "Pretenders II".

1 comment:

Data said...

Chrissy Hynde Wow! Back in the day bands and vocalists strived for their own sound, had their own style of singing, etc. Today however, everything is cookie cutter or mirrors of another. The same vocal styling of vocal gymnastics which gets boring quickly. Then there is still that over usage of the "Cher" effect. Even she had the good sense to use it only once in 1998 and not make it a standard requirement of her recordings. It was a vocal effect that fit the song in that moment, not something to try and capitalize on forever and ever. When I started hearing that effect in country music a few years back, that was when I knew I had made the right decision to ditch my television in 2003, and my radio some years after. lol. I am grateful that I did get to live during a time when popular music had its beginnings, maturation, and golden days. It's just a shame that the corporate recording industry (and so many other aspects of the entertainment industry) have taken popular music and turned it into a computerized formulaic piece of crap. There. I've ranted. :).