Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Would someone please give the President a clue, part 4

Apparently, President Trump's reading comprehension level is not where he thinks it is.

When I say reading comprehension in this context, it's not exactly the print media, but rather what we see on television or online.

Take for example the case of Martin Gugino, 75, of Buffalo, a peace activist, who was shoved to the sidewalk by a pair of Buffalo cops last week, and is still in the hospital in serious but stable condition. Five days after the incident, Trump, whose favorite reading material appears to be supermarket tabloids, tweeted, without evidence, as usual, that Gugino was an agent provocateur for antifa. Trump gets this stupid idea from One America News Network, the video equivalent of, say for example, the National Enquirer and its ilk, but which employs a veteran Russian journalist.

OANN is not available on Spectrum Cable here in the home district, thank God. Other conservative channels, like Newsmax, Sean Spicer's new home, are premium channels.

Tuesday's CBS Evening News breaks down Trump's latest act of online libel, plus footage of the Gugino incident:

Gugino was unarmed. Trump thought he was using electronic jamming equipment. I'd say his reading comprehension isn't too far removed from comic books, but then, that would be an insult. To comic book creators, readers, etc., since Trump has the reactionary instincts of a pre-schooler.

And if you think that's cray-cray, how about Fox News' Tucker Carlson taking a cheap shot at CNN and their Saturday town hall on racism, in partnership with Sesame Street (reviewed at Saturday Morning Archives)? That's all his opening screed on Tuesday really was, a dig at CNN. Sesame Street has done parodies of Trump in the past, but even their Muppet characters are at a more relatable level than Trump, who behaves the way he does because he has to maintain the facade from The Apprentice for his base of naive, disenfranchised, disgruntled voters. Face it, kids, he's the real life J. Jonah Jameson, if Spider-Man's nemesis ran for President.

As shown above, GOP senators/sycophants, except for Mitt Romney, were unwilling to actually say anything, to avoid the wrath of the Oldest Baby in America.

Bellevue is calling for President Trump, at this rate.


Mike Doran said...

The title of this sub-series misses the point.
The President is getting clues - loads of them.
But he's getting them from the wrong side.
"Don't nobody tell him no bad news!"
- because if you do, you're out the door.
For the whole of Donald Trump's life - long before he ever thought of going for the Presidency - he has been surrounded by a flying wedge of sycophants who have been paid handsomely to tell him that Rex non potest peccari -"The King can do no wrong."
In his seventies, Trump is no more capable of "getting a clue" - at least one that contradicts his set-in-concrete prejudices - than he would be of sprouting wings and flying.

hobbyfan said...

At least you can understand Latin. I doubt Trump does.