Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Citizen Pampers won't play show & tell with the special master he personally selected. That'll cost him

 Ok, here's the situation. Citizen Pecos Pampers (Donald Trump) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) agreed to a special master to review classified documents retrieved last month from Mar-a-Lame-O to see if Pampers actually did de-classify some documents or if others are protected by any sort of privilege (i.e. lawyer-client privilege). However, Pampers and his law firm of Eeeny, Meeny, Miney, & Moe are playing hardball, refusing to share anything with the special master, Raymond Dearie, a jurist who was appointed by the late Ronald Reagan some 40 years ago. As Farron Cousins explains, these legal beagles think that because it works on TV (i.e. Law & Order, Perry Mason), it's ok to withhold that information until the inevitable trial. It isn't.

Hollywood historically has taken liberties with the legal system. Anyone that watches, say, The Flash or Law & Order: Special Victims Unit knows that. These lawyers are getting their marching orders from a delusional 70-something client who probably doesn't care about the actual rules of litigation. Their loss.

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