Monday, September 26, 2022

Dunce Cap Award: Richard Barnett and his attorneys

 Richard Barnett is the screwball who got into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office on 1/6/21, propped his feet on her desk for a photo op, and got busted for his participation in the incident.

Since that time, Barnett's trial has been pushed back a few times, most recently to December 12, the reason being that Barnett recently was being treated for COVID-10. However, his dimwitted lawyers filed a motion to bar certain words or phrases----you can guess which ones-----from being used at the trial as a means of trying to get their client off.

As Farron Cousins explains, that infamous photo of Barnett at Pelosi's desk may be all that's needed to sink him.

If these clown attorneys are trying for sympathy points, it ain't happening. Barnett's goose is as good as cooked, and his lawyers' grandstanding gets them and Barnett Dunce Caps.

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