Thursday, June 1, 2023

A tale of two candidates

 Citizen Pampers may be leading Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in certain polls, but where DeSantis actually has an advantage over Pampers is the fact that he actually dresses more appropriately for certain locations for rallies.

No matter where he goes, Donald John Narcissus Trump wears the same dark blue suit and red tie. He's probably got 2 dozen of those in storage at Mar-a-Lame-O. DeSantis, on the other hand, swapped his suit for some casual shirts and jeans. That would work here in the 518, I'll give him that.

Ever think of trying different colors?

At a recent rally, DeSantis reminded that Trump can only have another single four year term if he is elected next year, and that, actually, is increasingly doubtful, given Trump's myriad of legal problems. DeSantis, were he to win, would stand a chance at two terms, provided, of course, he doesn't screw up like Trump did 3 years ago.

But, to hear Trump tell it, DeSantis is wrong........

"WAAAAAHHHH! If I win, I want two terms! WAAAAAHHHH!"

If you bothered to actually take a history course, Fraud Fauntleroy, you'd know that Grover Cleveland served two separate four year terms. The rules don't change if you are elected four years after your failed bid for a 2nd term. You're still running for that 2nd term. 8 years is the max, regardless.

Somehow, it isn't going to matter, if the Democrats decided to find a younger, stronger candidate to succeed Joe Biden. There's also the matter of image repair for the GOP. That should be priority one, especially if it means cleansing the GOP of demagogues like Trump, DeSantis, Hee-Hawley, Empty-G, Timex Cruz, and the rest of the idiots.

Think about that.


Mike Doran said...

Permit me to show my age (72, FWIW):
Growing up in Chicago in the '50s and '60s, I can remember how the local Democrats and Republicans would go at it with all stops out on the campaign stump - and afterwards, they'd go and have coffee and a roll.
- During the '68 Presidential campaign, Richard Nixon (remember him?) said in a speech referring to Hubert Humphrey: " ... and something else our friend on the other side said - and he is a personal friend, despite our differences ..."
- They were friends, at that: years afterward, when Humphrey was in the hospital for one of the last times, he got a late-night phone call from Nixon - and the two old men just talked about old times: "We were just two old warriors ...".
- As recently as 1996, Bob Dole was being pressured by his Republican campaign team to ramp up personal attacks on Bill Clinton - and he wouldn't do it: "He's my opponent, not my enemy."

I've got a bunch of other examples, but I think you get the point: I for one would like to see the toxicity removed from modern politics - and I dare say I'm not alone in this ...

Lawrence said...

This is what happens when people find success running on a platform of fascism and bigotry. Opponents are not people, they are objects of hate. Its gotten to the point where the are even biting the corporatist hand that used to feed them.

hobbyfan said...

@Lawrence: Trump is toxic largely because his mindset has regressed all the way back to preschool. I'm waiting for Melania to tire of this garbage and hop on Air Force Done (credit to Dana Carvey).

@Mike Doran: If only they could bounce Trump from the GOP, and replace him with someone who respects the opposition (i.e. wishy washy Lindsey Zing-a-Graham), we'd get that vibe back in politics.