Saturday, June 3, 2023

If you don't know what you're talking about, keep quiet

Republicans love it when their voter base is kept ignorant of facts & details.

That, then, would explain a total moron like Benny Johnson, who works for Charlie Kirk's Turning Point USA group, and a serial plagiarist, to boot, to claim that Jesus was "intolerant".

To borrow from the late Joan Rivers, can we talk?

Jesus preached love, tolerance, and respect. Apparently, if Johnson has ever cracked open a Bible, he hasn't reached the New Testament yet, because he doesn't know what he's talking about, any more than Kirk and the rest of the GOP Idiot Brigade claim to.

Jesse Dollemore explains:

The problem with "evangelical" Christians today is that they make more use of the Old Testament, all but ignorant of the New Testament. They don't expect their voter base to be in church on Sunday, and thus can mislead them without consequence.

Like those seat belt safety commercials, you can learn a lot from a dummy.

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