Saturday, June 13, 2020

One step forward, two steps back for President Trump

"One step up, and two steps back."--Bruce Springsteen, 1984.

There was a rare moment of clairity for President Trump when he decided to delay his Tulsa rally to June 20th, after someone----well, several someones, including this blog-----pointed out the significance of June 19, aka Juneteenth.

Problem is, attendees at the rally still have to deal with the Oldest Baby in America insisting they sign a waiver so he can avoid being held liable in case they contract coronavirus.

But, then comes word that now, Trump wants to blame Mexico (!!!!) for the new surge of coronavirus cases across the south. Travel restrictions between the US and Mexico, and the US and other countries, for that matter, have been in effect since March.

How do you explain that one, Mr. President?

"WAAAH!! I need someone to blame! WAAAAH!!"

He's only looking for excuses to avoid accepting responsibility. Spoiled, pampered rich men are usually like that. He just doesn't get it.


Silverstar said...

Otherizing is one of the Lord of the Fries' favorite pastimes. It's only a matter of time before he starts blaming Mexicans, Obama and the Democrats for his gout and hangnails.

hobbyfan said...

I'm starting to think his Ivy League degree might've been bought for him. Either that, or his vision is starting to go (glaucoma, anyone?), along with his tiny mind......